Our training project involves approaching several languages. But why not limit yourself to English? English is today’s lingua franca: the language internationally used to...
Our training project involves approaching several languages. But why not limit yourself to English? English is today’s lingua franca: the language internationally used to...
What will really help my child in life? Without any pretence of exhausting the topic in these few lines and without forgetting how important...
Shareholder economic theory, presented by M. Friedman in 1970, states that the purpose of an enterprise is the maximisation of shareholder profit. The stakeholder...
In the world we live in, although social media make us imagine that we are close to many people, influencers and otherwise, face-to-face relationships...
Is enrolling our children in a course just an opportunity to occupy their time? Is it the famous saying ‘learn the art and put...
Your son at the age of two already knew how to use the tablet (an updated version of the 80s/90s where you knew how...
Hurray! I can talk about computer science: one of my passions! It was the early 80s, nobody was talking about coding, least of all...
You may have noticed that for our children, time never passes, whereas for us, it passes quickly, more and more as we get older....